Material Testing
BioIdea also provides Material Testing on basis of specialty request from customers. Any interested customer or Environmental Consultants/ Inspectors please contact us for special needs and pricing ( or call Jay @832-495-5301 if urgent.
Eample 1. What is the stuff? -Material Testing

Fig 1. 600x magnification, sample submitted shows crystal structure, --> it is Non-biological;
Fig 2. 600x mag, subject dissolved in acetic acid (a weak acid), --> it is mineral-based.

Fig 3, As control, burning NaCl (table salt, Sodium chloride) emmits yellow color (Na & Ca give yellow color spectrum); Fig 4, Burning subject emitting yellow spectrum, thus it is either Na (Sodium) or Ca (Calcium) based.

Eample 2. Lint Dispute -Material Testing

Lint from Known Source, 400x magnification, phase contrast, micrometer on left micrograph.

Lint from Suspected Area, 400x magnification, phase contrast, micrometer on left micrograph.
In both Known Source and Suspected Area, they present similar sizes, structure, contour, light refraction, therefore it is concluded that they are from the same source.